You can reach us by email or phone or social media:
Phone: Jennie at 416-809-7976 (11 am - 8 pm ET). Happy to answer questions but please note we are not physicians.
Email: you wont find our email address on the site for internet safety reasons but you can easily fill out the box to the right and press send. The email will reach us.

Having dense breasts can decrease the effectiveness of mammography and increase your risk for breast cancer. Read Now
If you wish to order brochures for your clinic, please contact us.
Dense Breasts Canada is a non-profit organization that relies solely on volunteers. We are a national group and need help in every province. There are many different ways to help that do not require a large time commitment, i.e. speaking to women, fundraising, graphic design, website help, visiting MPs or MLAs, MPPs, and helping to distribute materials. Read more about our volunteer roles.