About Me
My name is Sharon. I am Indigenous. Nipissing First Nation is my community.
I am a Stage 4, TNBC, metastatic survivor. I am 56.
My Breast Cancer Story
June 2020 is when I found the lump. I never did mammograms or self checks.
I saw my family doctor the same day. He referred me to the Freeport breast clinic right away. My visit at the breast clinic took 6 hours. I had the imaging and received the bad news. A biopsy was done right away. Shortly after, I heard from an oncologist and was given an appointment at GRCC to see him. He told me the bad news and referred me to a surgeon right away. Surgery was set up and the treatment plan was put in place.
CT scan results were the last to come in. Lung spots were seen and the treatment plan and surgery were cancelled. The oncologist said that Stage 4 is not treatable and they will keep me comfortable. I was not a candidate for immunotherapy and started “easy” chemo for 12 weeks. I also started drinking Immunocol. After 3 months of easy chemo, the CT scan showed the lung spots were gone and a treatment plan was put in place. Here I am today!
I Want You to Know
If it can happen to me, it can happen to you. Cancer has no preference. I need members of my community to know that the traditional medicines that we often rely upon are not always enough. There is a time and place for everything, and that includes science and western medicine. Western medicine saved my life. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer but because of Western medical treatments, I have no evidence of disease today, and I’m still here to tell this story.
Do your due diligence and check them and get mammograms done. I had no family history.
Cancer does not pick and choose. It does not care about financial situations. Take care of yourself. Eat healthy. Exercise. Get plenty of rest. You only have one body. Take care of it. Don’t take your health for granted.
Diagnosed at 52